長尾理論- 教育Wiki 長尾(或長尾效應, (lang, The Long Tail) )一詞最初由Chris Anderson 發表在2004 年的《連線雜誌(Wired (magazine)》[1]中, ...
博客來-長尾理論打破80/20法則的新經濟學 2006年9月29日 ... 上星期五拿到《長尾理論》新書之後,小編即趁著週末臥病在家的時間,將整本書看完 。 一來,小編覺得這 ...
長尾理論台灣版 - 天下文化書坊 104人力銀行在長尾市場繼續長尾巴. 統一速達南北通吃的黑貓長尾. 中華電信小服務立大功. 博客來網路書店納百川成大海的資料庫. Yahoo!奇摩一魚多吃網路利基.
《長尾理論》! - 天下文化書坊 9/28(四)《長尾理論》在眾所期待下已隆重上市,感謝廣大讀者熱烈預購本書,首批 發行30,000冊, ... 教授趙義隆教授導讀《長尾理論》,並邀請運用長尾理論獲利的 台灣成功企業, 從理論端,解析長尾 ... 問:長尾理論大部分的案例,都是來自娛樂 產業嗎?
Wired 12.10: The Long Tail In 1988, a British mountain climber named Joe Simpson wrote a book called Touching the Void, a harrowing account of near death in the Peruvian Andes. It got good reviews but, only a modest success, it was soon forgotten. Then, a decade later, a strange th
長尾理論the long tail - 相關部落格
The Long Tail A public diary on themes around my books ... A team at Wharton did some Long Tail analysis on the Netflix ratings data the company released for its Netflix Prize. Although I don’t agree with many of the conclusions in their paper (like some other academic
Chris Anderson: Technology's long tail | Talk Video | TED.com Chris Anderson, then the editor of Wired, explores the four key stages of any viable technology: setting the right price, gaining market share, displacing an established technology ...
About Me - The Long Tail I'm Chris Anderson, editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine. I wrote The Long Tail, which first appeared in Wired in October 2004 and then became a book, published by Hyperion on July 11, 2006. You can order it here. My next book, FREE, was published on July 6t
長尾理論- MBA智库百科 長尾理論(The Long Tail) 根據維基百科,長尾(The Long Tail)這一概念是由“連線” 雜誌主編克裡斯·安德森(Chris Anderson)在2004年十月的“長尾” 一文中最早提出, ...